
These recordings are from previous PyBaMM workshops and conferences and are meant to serve the purpose of training material for use by the PyBaMM community of researchers, developers, and users alike.

Getting Started

Robert Timms
PybaMM Training Workshop 2021
This video explains what PyBaMM is and takes you through the basics of setting up and running simulations.

Plug & Play Physics

Robert Timms, Ferran Brosa Planella
PybaMM Training Workshop 2021
This video shows how submodels enable “plug and play” physics PyBaMM, and showcases submodels for lithium plating and multi-particle models (particle size distributions).


Robert Timms
PybaMM Training Workshop 2021
This video shows different features related to parameterisation, including how to add new parameter sets, optimise the parameter values and calculate the sensitivity of the solutions with respect to certain parameters.


Valentin Sulzer
PybaMM Training Workshop 2021
This video shows how to simulate experiments in PyBaMM and interact with their solutions.

Advanced Examples

Tom Tranter, Priyanshu Agarwal, Saransh Chopra
PybaMM Training Workshop 2021
This video showcases some advanced examples using PyBaMM.

Open-source battery modelling

Robert Timms
Early Career Researcher Day, Faraday Institution Conference, 2020
This video gives an overview of PyBaMM, and showcases some of the research it has enabled.

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